Pupil Leadership

Developing Pupil Leadership across Toynbee is key, as when given the opportunity young people can have a profound impact on their school. We recognise that pupils have logical perspectives and opinions on issues that matter in the classroom, in the school, and in the community. Therefore, we are committed to giving pupils an active role in influencing decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions.

Involvement in leadership activities can improve pupils’ learning as well as helping them to develop the skills and traits needed for success outside of the classroom. Leadership can help you develop your written and verbal communication skills as well as organisation, prioritising and listening to others amongst other skills you will develop.

Toynbee aims to increase the opportunity for Pupil Leadership across the school and to enhance the input pupils have with rewards, whole school events and pupil well-being.

The Pupil Leadership Team and the House system are overseen by Mr Clarkson; t.clarkson@toynbee.hants.sch.uk 


The Pupil Leadership Team

The Pupil Leadership Team consists of a core group of Senior Prefects, each with their own roles/responsibilities to help move Toynbee School forward.

 Within the Pupil Leadership Team, there are:

  • Two Head Prefects
  • Two Deputy Head Prefects
  • Senior Prefects

 The Pupil Leadership Team takes on a diverse array of roles, including:

  • Leading School Council
  • Organising and running charity days
  • Duties and responsibilities across the school
  • Running and supporting school events
  • Meeting with students and staff alike to coordinate efforts to improve the school

The appointment process is opened up to Year 10s in April, with the Pupil Leadership Team confirmed and in place by June.

School Council

School Council is built on a structure that focuses on individual School Council Leaders being able to have a voice and make change on the issues that they care about most.

School Council Leaders attend half-termly meetings where, in their individual sub-groups as well as an entire council, they identify areas for improvement and change across the school. Along with the Pupil Leadership Team, they then devise meaningful solutions for these areas.

The School Council is split into the following sub-groups:
1.      Environment
2.      Diversity
3.      Mental Health and Wellbeing
4.      House
6.      Charity