Year 6 Transition

Welcome Letter: 

Here is a copy of the letter that we hope you have received from us, welcoming you and your child to Toynbee School.

 Welcome Letter


Data Collection and Consent Form

Please complete this form to confirm that you accept your place at Toynbee School by Friday 28th March.

Year 7- September 2025 Contact Details and Consent Form


The following policies are referenced in the consent form and can be found here:

ICT and Online Safety

E-Safety Policy

Behaviour Policy

Toynbee Expectations

Uniform Policy


Dates for the Diary:

Tuesday 1st July- Induction Day

Wednesday 25th June OR Thursday 26th June- Year 6 Induction Evening (please note that you will only need to attend one of these dependent on your child’s tutor group)


Key Staff:

Mrs M Taylor - Assistant Headteacher- KS3

Mrs E  Hill - SENCO


Further details regarding the Induction Evening and Induction day will follow. If you have any questions regarding your child's transition to Toynbee, please contact  

Mr M Longden
Mrs M Taylor
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs E Hill