Year 6 Transition

Welcome to Toynbee School. We are very excited to be working with you and your child. Our key priority is to ensure that the transition from Primary to Secondary school is as easy as possible for your child, and for them to become part of the school community where they can achieve their full potential and make excellent academic progress. Therefore your communication with us, and vice versa, is really important.  This page will be kept up to date with all the information you will need. Please see the links below for further information on a variety of areas of interest to new parents, including school uniform, and frequently asked questions.  
Parents will have receive a welcome email, which contains important documents including an admission form. Please complete this electronic form and return these to us. We are working very closely with the Primary and Junior schools to support your child through this transition period. This process starts as soon as secondary places are concerned. We will also undertake a number of activities to support your child with their move to Toynbee, including school visits, Induction Evening and an Induction Day – some of these key dates are below. 

Key Dates 

Parents will be invited to attend the Year 6 Induction Evening on either: 

     - 25th June 2024: 6pm – 7.30pm - 7AL, 7CL, 7LN, 7RC

     - 26th June 2024: 6pm – 7.30pm-7DL, 7FD, 7RS, 7SA

The Year 6 Induction Day for pupils will take place on: 

     - 1st July 2024: 8.35am – 2.45pm 

On this day pupils will meet at the Sports Hall at 8.35am - school staff and prefects will be around to direct them. Pupils should wear their junior school uniform, and bring a pencil case. They do not need to bring their PE kit. Lunch will be provided by the school, but pupils might want to bring water and a breaktime snack. The day will end at 2.45pm at which point they can be collected from the front of school, or make their own way home. 

Further details regarding the Induction Evening and Induction day will follow. If you have any questions regarding your child's transition to Toynbee, please contact  

Mr M Longden
Miss E Butler
Lower School Progress Director
Mrs E Hill

Toynbee School Equipment List

School bag (Rucksack is best)
Water bottle
Generously sized pencil case 
Blue or black rollerball pens/biros: have at least two in your pencil case at a time
Highlighters: ideally four different colours
HB and 2B pencils
Pencil sharpener
Set of colouring pencils
Glue stick
30cm ruler (folding ones take less space and are less likely to snap)
360-degree protractor
Set square
Scientific Calculator