
Toynbee School follows the Hampshire County Council admission policy; a copy of which can be found by clicking on the hyperlinked box below.

Open Evening

Our annual admission process is much more than an application form. In the early autumn, we hold an 'Open Evening' for parents and pupils who may be considering Toynbee as their secondary school of choice. This event provides parents with an opportunity to look around the school facilities, ask questions of the teachers, take part in interactive learning experiences and a chance to listen to the Headteacher's vision for the school. Toynbee Pupil Ambassadors are on hand throughout the evening to take parents on tours and describe what school life is like at Toynbee and the opportunities available for every child to get involved in clubs and activities.

Information about the open evening and open mornings will be updated when we return in September 2025. 

Open Mornings & Parental Tours

These take place throughout the school year for parents of pupils who are interested in joining Toynbee School. Most of our large tours take place in the late summer or early autumn and these are advertised in the local press, flyers to local primary schools and on our website. The visit takes approximately two hours and consists of a welcome from Senior staff, a tour around the campus with our pupils, and then a question and answer forum with the Headteacher. For some this is the true test of a school - a tour on a normal working day. However, we welcome such tours at any time of the year because we are proud of our school and its pupils. If you would like to book a tour, contact   

Transition Evenings

In the term immediately before pupils join Toynbee, we hold a Transition evening for parents to give them the opportunity to meet their child's tutor and receive details on uniform, sports kit, travel, catering, arrangements for induction day and anything else we can think of that is useful for parents to know about Toynbee.

Induction Day and Events

In the summer term, we invite all year 6 pupils who have been offered a place at Toynbee, to attend an Induction Day. This event gives prospective pupils a chance to get to know their way around the school site, a chance to meet new people in their tutor group from other schools, and a taste of secondary school level lessons. Each tutor group is given a pair of year 9 or 10 Peer Mentors to accompany them around the classrooms and help with any queries. Far from being daunted, we find that our year 6 pupils are excited and happy throughout the day as they already know some of the other students from our wide range of Primary Linked school events. It is very rare for a child not to have a made a new friend by the end of the day. The Peer Mentors stay with the tutor group throughout their first year in school making regular contact in tutor time and arranging events so that each new year 7 cohort finds their feet as soon as possible.

Some pupils who need a little extra support with the transition process are offered an additional day in school with the Special Educational Needs Department and a few pupils who would benefit from our '627' literacy and numeracy programme are invited along to 3 day nurture course.

Mid Year Admissions

If we have places, these are welcomed and we ensure that as many of the arrangements we put in place for the annual admission process is in place for the MYA pupil too. They are usually assigned a pupil 'buddy' for a couple of weeks, carefully chosen by one of our Progress Directors, to enable your child to settle into Toynbee.   

All enquiries of this type should be made to Mrs Morris. Email: