Year 9

Year 9 is a special year. It’s around this time that pupils feel things are becoming more “real” for them academically; the pupils can feel themselves and their peers growing up; GCSEs are looming, and things can be totally up in the air! School is the consistent place in their lives, and we can see huge positive change in attitude, confidence, interests and investing time and effort in themselves.

It is the time that GCSE options are taken. The school offers a wide range of curriculum for our pupils to choose from to create their subject choices going forward in their GCSEs.

To encourage hard work, good attitude and full effort from our pupils, we praise as often as possible with Achievement Points, top performing pupils are given gifts as a reward termly, and termly celebration assemblies are also an opportunity to award pupils who have succeeded in different areas of the curriculum. There’s also a reward scheme in place for the pupils who present at school with the best attendance over the year group.

There are opportunities to be Anti-Bullying ambassadors and pupil mentors, though are not exclusive to year 9 and are across the whole school.

Underpinning all the hard work of individual pupils in our year group are our standard expectation of all students at Toynbee School. These include:

  • Arriving at school before 8.30am for tutor time
  • Maintaining a high percentage of attendance across the whole school year
  • Keep up the school’s uniform standards
  • Always demonstrating good behaviour and respect for others
  • All policies relating to the above can be found on our website.

The whole year 9 team look forward to working with you to support your child throughout their journey at Toynbee School. We endeavour to provide every year 9 with the tools they need to achieve their full potential and their ‘Personal Best’ throughout the rest of their time here at school, and ones they need going into life as an adult.


Mrs J Stevenson

Year 9 Guidance Manager -

Tutor Groups







