Year 8

The transition into year 8 can often bring feelings of uncertainty and excitement. My goal is to ensure year 8 continue to thrive and flourish as they did in year 7.

It has been expressed to the year group that they are now role models to our new year 7 pupils. There will be continued focus on behaviour, attendance and importantly, engagement in the classroom. Our year 8 core values are still very much at the heart of everything we do, and as I explained to the pupils in assembly, resilience is key this year. Expectations in the classroom and around homework will be higher but I have no doubt at all that year 8 will excel and embrace the new challenges of this academic year.   

With the introduction of our Personal Development sessions in tutor time, and our focussed PSHCE lessons, we can now ensure year 8 have a wider knowledge and insight into the world outside of the classroom and school, giving them the best opportunities for their futures.  

Maintaining positive relationships with you all as parents and carers is also my priority. Your continued support is always appreciated, and this is something I am keen to continue. 

I look forward to this upcoming year and the opportunities it will bring for year 8. 


Year 8 Guidance Manager -

Tutor Groups

8RL - Mr B Boulton -

8HT - Mrs E Hatch -

8HR - Miss R Horn -

8RM - Miss R Murchie -

8PD - Mr B Paddington -

8TD - Mr D Teasdale -

8WK - Miss Z Wakeford -

8WL - Mr D Williams -