Special Education Needs and Disability

SENCO :  Mrs  E Hill

Toynbee is an inclusive school where staff work together to help all pupils achieve their personal best. The Learning Support department respond to the individual needs of pupils to help to overcome potential barriers to learning, help them to maintain high expectations and celebrate their successes. Each child on the SEN register has a personalised information plan (PIP) which is circulated to teaching staff and provides information about their needs and strategies to support them. 

​The Learning Support Department Team of LSAs are led by the SENCO, Mrs Hill, who can be contacted via email or through reception.  Please contact her with any queries.

​The department runs a number of different interventions for pupils aimed at both academic improvement and supporting the mental health of pupils.  Please follow the link below for our mental health policy and processes document which outlines the different support available.  For more information about academic interventions please contact the SENCO. 

​Homework Club

Runs in the department from 3 - 4pm Monday-Thursdays and is staffed by our LSAs who will provide help and guidance with work. 


If you believe that your child needs extra support for the exams please contact the SENCO who carries out the testing required to qualify for any access arrangements. Pupils on the SEN register or who have low scores on previous reading and spelling tests will be tested automatically and you will be informed when this is happening by the SENCO. There is also the chance for pupils to attend study skills sessions where they can receive extra support with preparing for the exams, these run during homework club and are facilitated by the LSAs. 


We have a structured transition programme to support your child’s move from year 6 to secondary school, this includes: visits to Primary schools, a full Induction day, the '6-2-7' programme, LS visits and a nurture programme. If you would like to arrange a visit for yourself and/or your child or have any questions please contact the SENCO